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Getting started

This package is dedicated to any GraphQL developer who wants to add a security layer to their API, in a simple and efficient way.

GraphQL Armor mainly focused on limiting the impact of malicious GraphQL operations.

You can find more information about the upcoming features on our issues page.

If you need help or want to discuss about the project, you can hop in project discussions.


# npm
npm install -S

# yarn
yarn add


We provided some examples to help you get started with GraphQL Armor.

We will detail the usage of GraphQL Armor in the following sections:

Apollo Server

If you do not use plugins and validations rules, we recommend you to proceed with the following example:

import { ApolloArmor } from '';

interface AppContext {
token?: string;

const armor = new ApolloArmor();

const server = new ApolloServer<AppContext>({

Otherwise, if you already have some plugins or validation rules, we recommend you to proceed this way:

import { ApolloArmor } from '';

interface AppContext {
token?: string;

const armor = new ApolloArmor();
const protection = armor.protect()

const server = new ApolloServer<AppContext>({
plugins: [, myPlugin1, myPlugin2 ]
validationRules: [,, myRule1, myRule2 ]

GraphQL Yoga

If you do not use plugins and validations rules, we recommend you to proceed with the following example:

import { EnvelopArmor } from '';

const armor = new EnvelopArmor();
const protection = armor.protect()

async function main() {
const server = createServer({
plugins: [],
await server.start();


Otherwise, if you already have some plugins or validation rules, we recommend you to proceed this way:

import { EnvelopArmorPlugin } from '';

async function main() {
const server = createServer({
plugins: [EnvelopArmorPlugin()],
await server.start();



If you do not use plugins and validations rules, we recommend you to proceed with the following example:

import { EnvelopArmor } from '';

const armor = new EnvelopArmor();
const protection = armor.protect()

const getEnveloped = envelop({
plugins: [otherPlugins,],

Otherwise, if you already have some plugins or validation rules, we recommend you to proceed this way:

import { EnvelopArmorPlugin } from '';

const getEnveloped = envelop({
plugins: [otherPlugins, EnvelopArmorPlugin()],